We hope that all of the answers to your questions can be found in the information listed below. If not, please call us and we will assist you in any way possible.
Q: Is there a dress code for the coaches?
A: Coaches are not required to wear a uniform during the games, but are expected to be dressed appropriately as to be identified with your team as a coach.
Q: How many coaches are allowed in the dugout?
A: Each team may have up to 4 adults (3 coaches and 1 scorekeeper) in the dugout at a time.
Q: What is the maximum number of players on the roster?
A: The player roster will be unlimited with 3 coaches and 1 scorekeeper on the roster.
Q: What is the age cut-off date?
A: Ages are based on the April 30, 2012 cut-off date. Whatever the players’ age is on April 30, 2012 is the age group they will be eligible to participate in for the 2012 Tournament season. Fall Tournament age is based on the April 30, 2013 cut-off date. This means in most cases teams will move up an age group for the Fall Tournaments.
Q: Is proof of age required?
A: Yes. We need to verify the age of every player as may be requested by the opposing team both at any time during the tournament and prior. No player will be allowed to participate in the tournament until proof of age is presented upon request.
Q: Do the birth certificates need to be originals or copies?
A: Either is acceptable. Please submit birth dates on the roster to match the date on the birth certificates for all players at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the tournament. They can be either mailed or e-mailed to us.
Q: How many umpires for each game?
A: There will be two umpires for all pool play and elimination round games.
Q: When will the tournament schedule be available?
A: The schedule will be posted on our website about 7-14 days prior to the tournament. Each schedule is subject to change, so check back often to make sure you have the most up-to-date information.
Q: When will the game results be posted?
A: We will post standings and results on the tournament board soon after each game ends. These results will also be posted on our website.
Q: Does RBI keep individual stats for the tournaments?
A: No, RBI will not keep statistics for any tournament.
Q: How will I know which seed my team is for the elimination round?
A: All information regarding results, standings, and seeding will be centrally located on the tournament board.
Q: Does the time limit apply if we are the last game of the day?
A: Yes. We must treat each game fairly. Early games may have ended due to the time limit so that the later games could be played on time. It would be unfair to allow the last game of the day to play beyond the time limit if earlier games could not do the same.
Q: Do we need to bring baseballs?
A: Two new game balls are provided by RBI for each game. Teams should bring extra new balls and their own practice balls.
Q: Does our team need its own insurance?
A: Yes. Each team must send us their Insurance Certificate prior to the tournament. We must have “Rapids Baseball Incorporated” listed as an ‘additional insured’ in the certificate holder section of the standard certificate of liability form. This can be obtained by simply calling your insurance company and asking them to list that on the certificate. Please note: we are not requesting to be added as a ‘named insured’ on your policy.
Q: Are there pitching limits for the tournament?
A: Yes, Pitchers are limited to a maximum of eight innings in a calendar day. Pitchers are limited to a maximum of twelve innings in four consecutive calendar days. Entry into the game as a pitcher constitutes an inning pitched. After the initial inning pitched by that individual, one pitch constitutes an inning pitched. Innings will count when pitching in a game that is cancelled/terminated. When a pitcher exceeds the pitching limits, he becomes an ineligible pitcher for the remaining game/day/tournament.
Q: What size bats are legal?
A: -For the 13u & 14u age group – 2 ¼ to 2 ¾ inches in diameter with no weight restrictions
-For the 15u-18u age groups – No 2 ¾ inches in diameter allowed; -3 weight differential only
A: Please make sure all players are using certified BBCor bats
Q: What happens if it rains?
A: In the event of rain we will do everything within our power to stay as close to the game schedule as possible. However, because of limited field availability we may have to deviate from the printed schedule.
If and when we need to alter the schedule, we use the following procedures as our guide
1. Our first priority always will be to make sure that each team plays its minimum number of games.
a. We will try to maintain the original schedule as much as possible
b. In the event of weather/darkness, it may not be possible to accommodate all schedule requests
If there is not enough time to resume a suspended game, it will be considered complete and official at the end of the last complete inning. Here are some further points to help illustrate this policy:
Pool play
• If a game is suspended prior to being official and there is not enough time to resume – the game would be considered complete at the end of the last complete inning.
o If tied at the end of the last complete inning- the game would stand as a tie
Elimination Games
• If one inning hasn’t been completed and the games are suspended and there is not enough time to resume – the higher seed would advance to the next round.
o If tied at the end of the last complete inning- the higher seed would advance
o If tied at the end of the last complete inning and the two teams are the same seed from different versions entering the game – we would revert back to the tie-breaking system in place (least runs allowed)
• If the championship game starts and is not able to complete due to weather/ darkness and there is no time to resume – the game would be considered official at the end of the last complete inning.
o If tied at the end of the last complete inning – both teams will be named co-champions
o If one inning hasn’t been completed in the championship game and the game is suspended and there is not enough time to resume – both teams would be named champions.
Q: Are the dugouts covered?
A: Yes
Q: Do we need to bring water for the dugouts?
A: No. RBI will provide water and cups in each dugout for all of the tournaments.